
by Rósa Ómarsdóttir


In a place where everything is leaking and dripping. In a place where things are not as they seem. In a place where everything is on the edge of tipping over into something else. A place where everything is holding onto breath. Where the relations between cause and effect, living and non-living, artificial and natural, are uncertain, uncanny. Various landscapes appear to quickly blur together again. They morph between swamps, mountains, underground caves, bacterial cultures. They melt, morph and mix, they get stuck in endless contaminated loops until they dissolve, disintegrate, sulk and spill. 

Invisible forces play a leading role: humidity, waves, gravity and the electromagnetic field become a moving force, and something so simple as causality becomes a magical affair.


Costume design by me

Spills received five nominations for the Icelandic Theatre Awards Gríman for: ‘Dancer of the year’, ‘Choreography of the year’, ‘Light design of the year’, ‘Soundscape of the year’ and ‘Performance of the year’. Spills was awarded for the category ‘Soundscape of the year’.


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